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Procter & Gamble Manufacturing GmbH

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Start your career at Procter & Gamble Manufacturing GmbH

Making Everyday Life Easier

We make products that make everyday life easier. We make high quality, innovative products and we set the standard for electric tooth brushes. We always improve our technology and, quite possibly, you are one of our customers who is using an Oral B tooth brush. Who is “we?” It is 2,000 employees who work in our production facility in Marktheidenfeld or in our distribution center in Altfeld. What makes us stand apart is the fact that we make almost all our product components ourselves as well. From the smallest plastic pieces to highly complex electronics: we make them ourselves. This allows for excellent quality control and it serves our employees as well, because they get opportunities to branch out, learn new skills in any of our departments, from production, logistics, engineering, to quality control.

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Procter & Gamble
Manufacturing GmbH
Baumhofstraße 40
97828 Marktheidenfeld
P +49 (0)9391 28-0



Apprentices comprise about 10% of our work force. We take care of them and support them right from the start, just as we do for college interns. We do this because we want people to stay loyal to us. To that end, we also offer outstanding benefits that include childcare when kids are out of school, as well as health and fitness programs. The return on this investment is outstanding: Our workforce has been with us on average for 20 years. This is truly amazing and one reason for our success.

„The company gives me paid time off so I can go to school and study technology. That is a huge plus for me. Overall, the opportunities for continuing education and learning new skills are excellent here.“

Jonas Schäbler
Facility Lead


There are many reasons people like to work for us: among the most important ones are opportunities and ease of advancement. We promote from within and, for every single job opening, we first try to fill that position with one of our own. This makes perfect sense to us because our people who have worked their way up in our organization, know the challenges we face. We encourage our staff to explore opportunities in different departments, because we know that cross training benefits us in the long run. Since we are a global company, employees can even continue their careers in any of the 70 countries where Proctor & Gamble has facilities.

„As a young person, I like the fact that this is a growth-oriented company where you have opportunities to plan and help create new things. I have felt supported here from day one and have had positions with responsibilities right from the start.“

Nicole Oehler
Logistics Engineer


In order to stay competitive, we invest heavily in production facilities and processes. We are highly automated, which is inspiring and fun. Nevertheless, our employees are our most important assets, not just because they control the machines and the technology. We encourage everybody to help us find better solutions, to help us improve and to provide feedback.

„I have worked at P&G for 28 years. The place feels like a second family to me. Aside from my job, I am also involved in the employee relations committee and I am a company EMT. I like that I am being challenged in my job all the time.“

Maria Dolores Fernandez Cosano
Repair Specialist


We are also proud of the diversity of our workforce. From the apprentice level to top-level management, we have a high percentage of female employees and we welcome staffers from 18 different nationalities. We believe that we can all learn from each other, and learn to overcome our differences. We value the skills of each individual. Our culture is one of continuous personal development, respect, trust and inclusivity. These values also let us take great care of our customers.

Open House



About 450 visitors participated in our recent open house to learn about the training opportunities we offer and to experience firsthand what each position entails. We love to provide guidance and answers. And we really enjoy coming up with fun problems and exercises for our guests as well.
Power Kids



To make it easy and stress-free for our employees to come to work during school breaks, we have been offering childcare for years. Just as importantly, the kids always have a grand time. We partner with AWO International to create high quality and entertaining programs for the young ones.
Employee Anniversaries



We would not be able to operate our machinery and technology without the long time experience of our employees. This is why we love employee anniversaries and celebrate them accordingly.
Grand Opening of our Addition



In 2017, we finished our new building addition. Before moving offices and new production facilities into the new two-story building, we threw a giant party in the still empty space.