Nursing Homes in Würzburg County
Würzburg County operates seven nursing homes and seven assisted living centers for seniors. A shared mission is to treat each resident with dignity and to allow them as much independence as possible. Every person is unique and has a right to determine their personal living arrangement. The nursing homes are located in the towns of Bergtheim, Kürnach, Estenfeld, Würzburg, Eibelstadt, Ochsenfurt and Aub. Put together, the homes employ 500 staff members.
Integrative Care
The nursing homes of Würzburg County offer the public with diverse elder care options. Long-term and short-term residents receive inpatient care, senior centers provide day care options, and there is a special emphasis on the care of dementia and intensive care patients. Home care services for seniors round out the scope of services offered.
Employee Benefits
Working close to home cuts commute time and cost, and it allows for more time with family and friends. The company offers attractive car and e-bike leasing programs. The nursing homes cultivate an open and lively atmosphere, feature modern amenities, and are progressive in more ways than one. Staff can work independently and make independent decisions based on protocols, plus there are many great opportunities for advancement. The nursing homes offer a variety of in-house and external continuing education benefits to further the careers of their staff members.
Many Jobs to Choose from
Family-friendly work schedules, permanent jobs and family leave to take care of sick children or family-member are part of the benefit package. The nursing homes are looking for nurses, nurse aids, allied health professionals, interns and career changers. Wherever you work, there is always cause for a celebration! The homes sponsor events from asparagus dinners, to trips to the bowling alley, to themed staff parties and Christmas parties. It’s all about community.